Foreword to the First Printing (1952)

I have been persuaded by the members of my Order, The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, to publish some of the talks I have been giving on Thursday evenings at Saint Benedict Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts, during the past ten years.

Leonard Feeney, M.I.C.M.
Feast of Saint Teresa of Avila, 1952.

Foreword to the 1974 Printing

The sad situation of the Faith in America and in the whole world is breaking the hearts of true Catholics. The gates of hell have all but prevailed against the Church. It is because Catholics have let go of the Church's doctrine on salvation that all else is being taken away from us. This is what is causing the sickness of the world, and it is even more true to say so today than when I said so twenty-five years ago.

My message today is identically the same as the one I have been giving for the past quarter of a century. It is perpetually part of the infallible teaching of the Roman Catholic Church, against which Our Lord has promised the gates of hell will never prevail.

Leonard Feeney, M.I.C.M.
Feast of Saint Mary Magdalen, 1974.

To Saint Pius X
respectfully and lovingly dedicated

Contents  Foreword  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12

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